Well from the newest to oldest. Cuz with my old mind i can remember yesterday.
Kylies Dance revue was saturday night. She did a great job as usual.
We had a great time riding the rides at lagoon!!
We also attended a car show that Casey had put his mustang in. It was at Thanksgiving Point and was large. We walked around for a couple hours. Boring!! :)
We attended a wedding ceremony for Jeff Boothe. I feel so old when kids from my YM/YW group are getting married. It was real nice. The bride looked beautiful and the groom looked scared.
We have some save the date activities. Hopefully everyone has been recieving the announcements from Banana. She will be doing alot of graduating this year.
She already graduated from Dental Assistant School.
Anyone interested in attending can call one of us for the details. All are welcome.
She will then graduate from Tooele High School on JUNE 3rd.
I can not believe that this is all happening.
She will then turn 18 on JULY 25th. My babies aren't babies anymore.
Speaking of babies!
Hayden is doing great!! He is such a joy in our lives!!
Time flies just hold on and enjoy the ride.
I know I keep on saying this but it just trips me out that Kylie is growing up. Congrats to Bri with your graduations, keep up the good work in life. Hayden is adorable.
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